viernes, 18 de marzo de 2022

Climate activity

By Natividad Crespo

I want to share a creative activity that I use with my students. At the beginning, I show 11 definitions then children have to write the hidden word: 

a)  The gaseous envelope that surrounds the Earth.   (ATMOSPHERE)

b)  A measure of the percentage of radiation reflected by a surface. (ALBEDO)

c)  Height relative to sea level. (ALTITUDE)

d)  Instrument for measuring wind velocity. (ANOMOMETER)

e)  A large mass of snow that flows down the side of a mountain. (AVALANCHE)

f)  Action in which the ground is worn down by moving water, glaciers, wind, or waves (EROSION)

g)  The outermost layer of the Earth's atmosphere. (EXOSPHERE)

h)  A covering of ice crystals on a cold object (FROST)

i) The amount of water vapor contained in the air. (HUMIDITY)

j)  Monsoon: A seasonal wind that causes heavy rains in tropical and subtropical regions. (MONSOON)

k)  Low clouds that form layers. They often produce drizzle.  (STRATUS)

I am going to use the app 

This task is very usefull in my class. It gives me a lot of tecnics for listening, speaking and to know new grammar with students.

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